Come and enjoy nature with gentle movement, breath, and prayer as we reflect through yoga + worship in God’s nature. Spring YoWo™ In The Park is Thursday, May 23rd from 7:00-8:15 p.m. at Goodale Park. The flow will be led by Pastor Amy.
We will meet at Goodale Park in the open space in the southwest corner of the park, adjacent to the parking lot off Dennison Ave. Prior to the event please RSVP, it is required to participate.
YoWo™ {yoga+worship} is open to ALL, no experience is required. Just bring a mat or a blanket and wear comfortable clothing. There is never a cost for YoWo™, however a suggested donation of $15 is appreciated. To give you can Text LOVEALIVE to 73256.
If this is your first time joining us, please feel free to print out and bring the completed YoWo Wavier (HERE) with you upon arrival to save time checking in.