An Open Studio of Hands-on Spiritual Practices
Are you longing for new and creative ways of connecting to God? Are you yearning for silence and stillness this Lent? Are you in need of healing and recentering? Enter into Holy Week with friends from Summit on 16th, Maple Grove, Short North, and Trinity United Methodist Churches for an afternoon of hands-on spiritual practices. This event will be in an open house format, meaning you can come and go as you please during the three hours from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Although there will be different stations to choose from, they all lead to the same place: stillness, astonishment, peace, wholeness, the heart of God. The way we show up in the world will be different after we have been in this place.
The spiritual practices that will be offered are:
1) Visio Divina
2) Sound Bath
3) Labyrinth
4) Body Prayer
5) Welcoming Prayer
6) Power of 8*
See for a description of each of these spiritual practices.
The journey will begin with a time of calming and centering that will provide space for all upon arriving to set aside the concerns that they are carrying, to slow down, and to prepare themselves to open their hearts to God and to enter into the rest of the experience more fully.
A supervised children’s corner will be available with prayer and art activities.
*Power of 8 will be offered at 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. for groups of eight people. Pre-registration is required for this station by e-mailing