Christmas Eve Worship Times

Advent Schedule of Events - 2023

Mark your calendars and sign up for this year’s Advent Offerings:Advent begins on Sunday, December 3rd. Advent kicks off the new church year and invites us to wait hopefully for Jesus’ birth at Christmas and his return—when heaven and earth become one, and everything starts anew.

Special Worship Services

Christmas Eve Breakfast Church | Sunday, December 24th | 8AM 

Interactive Christmas Eve Service | Sunday, December 24th | 10AM

Candles, Carols & Communion Service | Sunday, December 24th | 7PM

New Year’s Breakfast Church | Sunday, December 24th | 8AM

New Year’s Service | Sunday, December 31st | 10AM | Kid’s wear pj’s to worship

#LoveAlive Opportunities

Holiday Hop Tree Sale 
3 volunteers needed for each 2-hour time slot, to help Short North Alliance and Oakland Nursery sell holiday trees. A portion of the proceeds benefit NLCO.December 2nd | 10-6PM | Short North Holiday HopContact: Pastor Mimi Advent Book Study “An Unlikely Advent” Advent Book Study “An Unlikely Advent” Extraordinary People from the Christmas Story by Rachel Billups. This Advent study focuses on the experiences of four sets of often overlooked characters in the Nativity story.

Click HERE to sign up for an Advent study this season.SNC Nursery Opens December 3rd | At 10AM WorshipContact: Jess Duncan jduncan@shortnorthchurch.orgSNC Advent Church Decorating Join us in decorating SNC for Advent and the Christmas season. All are welcome!December 3rd | After 10AM WorshipContact: Diane Hunter dhuntering5@att.netCollege Cares Take part in Christmas card mailings and a get together party with appetizers.December 5th | 6:30PM | North Broadway UMCContact: Laura Smith smithky@iway.netKids’ & Family Christmas Gathering We’ll enjoy XMAS lights, games and a story, meet near carousel. Please RSVP!December 10th | 6PM | Columbus Commons Contact: Jess Duncan jduncan@shortnorthchurch.orgCandles & Carols YoWo Christmas Eve style yoga with movement, live music, candles and carols. This event fills up fast, RSVP is required!December 13th | 7PM | Linworth UMC Contact: Pastor Amy amy@shortnorthchurch.orgRSVP: Click HERE to save your spot at YoWo

Love Alive Clean UpAn outdoor community clean up, supplies provided. No RSVP Required.December 17th | 4PM | Meet at SNC SignContact: Carolyn Gifford Soul Sisters Join us for a special Soul Sisters holiday party and fellowship. Please RSVP to Pastor Amy by December 17th for the address.December 19th | 6PM | RSVP to Amy for AddressContact: Pastor Amy amy@shortnorthchurch.orgMiddle School Christmas Party Wear your favorite holiday sweater and bring a white elephant gift. RSVP to Jess!December 20th | 6:30-8PM | RSVP to Jess for AddressContact: Jess Duncan